Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Gone With the Wind

 Gone With the Wind is an award-winning movie that has been touching the hearts of viewers for almost a century now. This movie is set in the Civil War era and tells the story of a woman named Scarlett. She ends up falling in love with a man named Ashley Wilkes, who is marrying her cousin Melanie Hamilton. Scarlette ends up marrying a man named Charles to try and get him jealous. Soon, the war starts, and Charles dies, but Scarlett instantly goes back and sees Ashley. After the war comes into the town that they live in, she now sees how violent the war was and how devastating it was to the United States. There are soldiers played face down, dead, which seems to be miles long. The movie continues to be exciting, with Melanin having the baby during the time that their house is under attack and in danger. 

Vivien Leigh Trivia - The Real Scarlett O'Hara War

The younger house enslaved person that they are with helps deliver the baby, which becomes a huge success. The young house enslaved person goes to get Ashley, who picks them up in his carriage and drives them north to find Scarlet's mother, which, after a challenging journey, they end up doing. Unfortunately, Ashley doesn't make it. He stops and realizes all the bad he has done and wants to change that, so he goes back to help fight in the war. 

Butler House | Gone With the Wind Wiki | Fandom

Overall, watching this movie won the hearts of many Americans for many reasons. The first is the plot. It was a super engaging plot that kept viewers on the edge of their seats most of the time and wanted them to root for Scarlett the whole time. The following reason is it hit on areas of the Civil War that many don't think about and made us as Americans think about our dark past, which made us feel emotional about the subject.

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